Monday 25 August 2008

The great Fingerless Gloves Giveaway

Dear All

After reading lots of your blogs, and loving them, and the occasional giveaways I've decided to do one of my own!

I've crafted (well ok, knitted) some gorgeously soft blue fingerless gloves all ready for winter. Planned to give them to lovely husband but made a slight error, well, ok, two big ones, firstly he hates wool as its too prickly (don't ask, he still complains about bits in yoghurts too), and secondly, hmm, well they are too small. Definitely sized for women's hands, or I guess, teenage boys' hands!

So dear readers its over to you, if you'd like these send me a message, and I'll randomly pick one name out of a hat in a couple of days.

Good luck all!


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