Thursday, 4 June 2009

Situational Faux Pas (No. 1 in a long occasional series)

After a first yoga class, the teacher asked everyone how they found the length; would they prefer an hour or an hour and a half. I said that I found an hour to be OK but would prefer less of the relaxing bit. Then went on to describe how I'd found it hard to lay still and not talk and had been bursting to get up.

The teacher replied that relaxation is a key part of yoga and can't be just skipped. Now I feel like I might just as well chanted; 'Time is money, time is money', or some dreadful eighties quote.


Floss said...

Hmm. Try moving to France for a situational faux pas every day...

Why Me? said...

Think you're rather brave doing yoga, don't think i'd be that bendable anymore.

Anonymous said...

Floss - I always find France like that, think it is because the culture is both more and less formal than ours, but in random places. Can never get eating right for one thing.
And WM - this lovely class is all about having a bash, rather than being the bendiest. V. supportive atmosphere.