Thursday, 27 August 2009

Of course there is reality too...

And in reality, what with school holidays, the swine flu week at home, and being relatively broke I'm just spending too much time at home. Which is leading to tomato obsessions and ivy interest. Actually the answer is to get out and about a bit more, and to actually speak to people.

So on that note I'm off to the supermarket - after a dull morning at playgroup (not enough friends to play with) watching the children put boxes over themselves and lie in the mud. Even they got bored of it in the end and sought out the glue to make things - sadly there was disappointment when they realised the clever idea of gluing real wooden bricks together meant they could not take them home. And some poor soul will have to wash them to re-use them.

Kind of looking forward to a routine now -in all honesty am just not earth mother enough to be satisfied with watching delightful kids on beach/in park/in garden/playing ALL the time.

1 comment:

My life with MND said...

Same here! At least I'm not the only one....

Roll on next Thursday and back to school - yay!