Thursday, 12 August 2010

Mini Kickers and Middle Class Park Takeover

I took the children to the fantastic, Mini Kickers, football for little ones organised by the local community centre this morning. They loved it as usual, and the mummies enjoyed a good chat and discussion about how much we like (some of us more than others) the lovely man who takes the session and keeps our 3-5 year olds occupied and behaving well for a whole hour. Quite unusual to meet a younger single man who is fantastic with kids, and so bossy with them too!

Then we all went off to the new park on Bembrook Road, I've heard good and bad things about the park. A couple of friends of ours even got shot at with BB guns there a few weeks ago. But today, was a very middle class take over (that is, if we all accept the inevitable that we are middle class anyway) with a good ten or fifteen children mostly playing nicely together and taking turns. Very lovely afternoon polished off with a nice cup of tea and more playing in the Bridge Community Centre.

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