Wednesday, 13 July 2011

It's the end...for now

I've spent some time reviewing this blog, with the intention of publishing it. I've enjoyed writing it, I've enjoyed reading back over it, and most importantly it has been a lifesaver in keeping my sanity at times. It has been fantastic to have a record of our family's last four years, our move to Hastings, managing on one salary, our ups and our downs and our everyday life.

We're happily settled now, we have a lovely, albeit naughty dog Lily. Both children are settled in school and we've found a good community and great friends around us. M is in a new job as a Deputy Head, working hard to change a local school around and I'm exploring voluntary work options whilst staying primarily as a housewife. I'm now proud of staying at home and looking after the family, I've come to terms with this as a feminist and remain largely happy with my roles.

Who knows what will come next for us? But I do know if we stick together as a family we'll do alright, and have a few adventures on the way.



Sandra Morris said...

Awwww....I've so enjoyed your posts and I'll be sorry to see you leave the blogosphere.

Hope everything goes hunky dory for you and yours.

Keep in touch.....


My life with MND said...

Awww, that's a sweet post. Wishing you all the very best for the future. As a former Bexhill-ian, I've enjoyed your adventures over the past years since I foudn your blog. Stay happy xx

Bracken Crafts- 100 garments said...

Good luck Tatty. I only just got round to blogging again myself so just popped over to see what you were up to. Its been good to know you and to feel someone else was living a life similar tho completely different to mine. We never met but I still consider you a friend. Good luck in whatever you write or do next.

Bracken Crafts- 100 garments said...
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