Sunday, 15 May 2011

Eurovision of course....

Ah, so Austria are our friends too. Surprised about Austria to be honest...but not about the others. Perhaps next year we could do some specific promotional work in the former Eastern block, plus perhaps do some positive discrimination and have a singer originally from there who could garner a bit of home support. Come on UK!


Sandra Morris said...

Didn't watch it but was amused to discover that Azerbaijan won.

In my family, Azerbaijan was a byword for 'back of beyond' as in 'if you lot don't bugger off I'm running away to Azerbaijan'..... for years I thought it was a fictional country, like Narnia, only further away....


Bev said...

Azerbaija was not the weirdest country to enter, a small place called Santa Monica (or something) were voting, as they gave douze points to Italy I guess they are situated in the middle of Italy. But really - you couldn't make it up!