However new day, new year, new me, I've had a lovely morning doing 'art' I've got a fabulously funny friend coming to visit this week, and I'm all excited so I must note the following:
1. I need to stop smoking for various reasons but these are the current ones;
- The pictures on the packets make me feel a bit ill, and I really don't want a diseased heart/lungs.
- I don't want the children to see me smoke.
- It's cold outside.
- See above, so I could put my pyjamas on earlier if I stopped.
- It's expensive unless you brave dodgy cheap shops and do special looking down techniques to get the bargain stuff.
2. I made a lovely vegetarian possibly beef style stew last night and just had it for lunch.
3. Must remember I really like soya chunks, see above.
4. I must get some soft pencils, I'm almost obsessing about how much I need them, even if truth be told I very rarely use a pencil.
5. It's like really cold, and I'm pleased I've discovered the delights of long sleeve tops underneath short sleeved ones. Sort of a t-shirted baggy tank top look.
6. That is all for now, except I really like to blog.
Somehow I never pictured you as a smoker - boozer, yes, a smoker no! What other secret vices are you hiding...?!
Hmm, I don't actually consider myself either - I used to be a smoker, proper one and now am very part time. And as for a boozer....
You still managing to stay wine-free weekdays?
I really enjoy reading your blog so please don't even think of giving it again....
Weekdays - um, sometimes. Is that a rubbish answer/resolution? Must try harder.
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