Saturday 20 June 2009

It is the village fete season...

But we're not going to one, just two school fairs. Looking forward to the one today as I don't have a role - other than that of 'respectable' teachers wife (have put longish skirt on and high cut top on). Course no doubt will ruin look by jumping on bouncy castle and accidentally wetting self or similar. Lovely M's band are playing though - so we'll hopefully do a bit of singing along to him and his friends. I've also told them that changing any words to the songs, like Summer of '69 Summer of '09 would be utterly embarrassing and Dad like. So hopefully they won't go there.

Next week it is the big one at Ol's school, M doing story telling, and I'm running the toy stall. Hoping weather just right and will not be trapped by stall all day and will be allowed to move about. I find worst thing about fetes is being cheery sometimes. Deliberately did not volunteer to run games for children, or a stall where I've have to explain rules/be happy and nice. Just in case can't force face to be nice on the day. I may wake up all happy happy happy though - I never know in advance.

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